Ever wondered if all the crises we've been experiencing are connected? Oil may well be the answer -
Brexit, the UK’s prohibition era?
1 hour ago
"There is no means of avoiding the final collapse of a boom brought about by credit expansion. The alternative is only whether the crisis should come sooner as a result of the voluntary abandonment of further credit expansion, or later as a final and total catastrophe of the currency system involved." - Ludwig von Mises
Interesting video Alex. I watched most of it but have bookmarked it for later to see the rest.
That Gulf oil slick is being downplayed in the media. I said similar to what he was saying in another blog and got laughed at.
I agree what he said about nuclear power. Should have been building 10 years ago but have missed the boat due to the greenshirts.
I hope I haven't scared off your follower grogipher !
He said I was talking pish which wound me up as I've been following the climate scam closely for 5 years or so and have read a lot on the subject ( 'The Hockey Stick illusion' by Montford, Al Gore, Moonbat, Lord Monckton, Steve McIntyre etc )
I agree that green energy will be useful but at the moment it's the taxpayers paying for it all while big business takes the profits.
the stone age ended, not because of a lack of stones. ????????
It's a debating forum so people might expect a little rough and tumble..
If you wanna follow up the peak oil crisis thing check out Dmitri Orlov - there's a link on my blog list.
The point is that when a large part of industrial society disappears you won't need nuclear power because there's not much left that needs powering..
I definately agree that the oil slick is being downplayed. A lot of qualified sources saying the same thing!
I wouldn't worry about blogs that get their info from the MSM - dull and brainwashed tends to be my feeling..
Can you explain? I don't follow the analogy..
I'm not the anonymous commenter, but I presume that they are referring to the comment attributed to a Saudi Arabian Oil Minister who said that the Stone Age didn't end because the world ran out of stones.
We won't ever run out of oil. As it gets more scarce then alternatives that are currently too expensive will begin to become economically viable and there will be a gradual shift to those alternatives.
Only a sudden dislocation in oil supply would cause problems which is why we should be aiming for greater diversity in our energy sources.
That of course requires MPs with brains, and they're pretty rare.
England (I am English) has been doubly disadvantaged. We've not only had stupid MPs foisted on us, they have also been the likes of the England-hating Gordon Brown. He may be a "Unionist" to you, but to us he was a "Scottish Colonialist" who despises the English and who was only out to misuse England to Scotland's benefit.
Brown has screwed all of us. And believe, he bent over backwards to appease the English vote who largely hated him because of his nationality. If you really want to know about a PM who robbed one part of Britain to enrish the other think Thatcher..
The problem with much of the South is that prosperity was an illusion based on cheap labour up North, fraud in the society (that we all have to pay for now) and North Sea Oil. That bubble is bursting. You should be thankful for the years of plenty whilst those who were sponged off had to emigrate or work for subsistance wages!
Anyway, the problem with oil is that you can't replace it. Somethings you can do like use nuclear power to generate electricity but oil is in clothes, plastics, cleaning agents, paints, pipes, make-up, cables, lubcricants etc etc etc. I really can't imagine a nuclear or even a wind-powered tupperware dish, can you? Or a hydro-powered mars bar wrapper?
It can't be replaced in many industrial processes and so much of industrial society will vanish meaning we will not need nuclear power because there's nothing left to power..
Maybe we won't run out of oil but it may well become to expensive to buy which means the same thing. Other than you might argue that the authorities are not telling us about huge resources of oil in order to control prices and induce panic. I wouldn't cling to that notion myself.
Gordon wasn't out to help Scotland.
Have you been to Cowdenbeath or Methil or Ballingry ? Wastelands. The longer labour control an area in Scotland the further it falls. Look at Glasgow North East. 70 years of Labour control and now the most deprived area in Western Europe. Life expectancy at 54 in some areas.
Drilling in the Gulf of Mexico is a desperate attempt to squeeze the remaining oilwells dry. We're too late to build nuclear power stations and as Alex said who is going to need all that power with no oil to fuel our society ? All the green energy plans are a pointless waste of money designed to benefit the eco companies rather than have any effect on climate change.
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It had started out as a banner year in the Guldersonshousehold, and Clifford had mostly grown out of his previous yearswardrobe. When winter turned to spring Bessieregretfully decided to call it quits fearing therepercussions that might happen if anyone was to findout about their sordid affair.
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